Friday, February 18, 2011

Arriving/ Bay of Islands Excursion

Such a long flight last Sunday and considering that the time difference here is 16 hours ahead (I think) I am surprised that the jet lag didn't hit me to hard. We've been waking up early which is great because it gives us the opportunities to do a lot. The first day, a few of my friends and I went on an exploritory jog through the morning dew of a park called the Domain. The trails were absolutely gorgeous and we felt like we were jogging through a rainforest out in the middle of the city (Baltimore really needs a park like this one!) It was definitely a great get away spot! However, I am not much of a runner so needless to say I have been waddling around as if I learned how to walk yesterday since that run. We also spent a lot of time exploring the city which we found to be so clean that you can walk around barefoot and so "hilly" that walking to the city/class/bars and back is going to give us some pretty solid legs. I can't tell you why I still plan on spending a good amount of time at the gym.

Auckland from the bridge
This evening we just returned from our lovely Loyola sponsored trip to the Bay of Islands. The pictures I am posting can't describe it as anything less than magnificient! The bus rides were quite long and painful, but totally worth it. When we first arrived we took a tour on a jet boat and zoomed throuh the islands picking up bits and pieces of information on the history of each island. Also, saw "the hole in the rock" but could not travel through it on the boat due to bad conditions. Yet it was still quite a sight!
The hole in the rock

The best part of the trip though was yesterday. Once again a long bus ride up to the very northern point of the north island of New Zealand. After a short hike over some hills we reached the point where the Pacific Ocean meets the Tazmanian Sea. The view was incredible and with the blue skies and plentiful sunshine, we couldn't have asked for better weather. We then spent the last part of the day going sand boarding in the dunes. Hiking up to the top of the dune was quite a breath stealer. However, skimming down the dunes on a boogie board with sand spraying up in your face and shredding at your toes was such an experience that losing our breath over the multiple hikes up the dune was no problem. We then took our last stop at Ninety-Mile Beach where we rinsed off our sand suits and then enjoyed a scenic drive right on the beach.

View from the point where the two oceans meet

<--Tazmanian Sea-------ME-------Pacific Ocean-->

The long hike up the dune

Ninety-Mile Beach

Today was our last day up in the northern coast which we spent learning about the Mauri culture and the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi which constituted the British settlement on New Zealand and the relationship between the British and Mauri peoples. The tour was very interesting and I appreciated the guides true connection to her Mauri anscestors as she shared her knowledge and stories with us. On the way back we made one more stop for a rest in the sun by a waterfall, then continued on our long bus ride back to Auckland. With about ten more days left before classes start I am excited to see what adventures we plan (but I'm dreading to look at my bank account...)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tackling the Fear of Packing!

Today is Tuesday February 8th and because my job here at home decided not to schedule me for the last week that I am here, I am now stuck at home with nothing to do but think about all of the things I need to take care of in order to prepare for my trip. The number one thing on my mind: miraculously finding a way to pack my life for 4 and a half months into one suitcase. I don't leave until Sunday, however for once in my life I decided not to procrastinate and believe it or not I knocked out my packing today! :) The most surprising thing is that I think everthing may be able to fit. This picture is what I have so far (although I'm not completely finished, but I have succeeded much more than I originally anticipated.)

Overall, I am extremely excited for the start of my adventures in New Zealand. I've constantly been checking the weather which has typically been in the mid-70's, and am ready to absorb those lovely sun rays! I know I have many thrilling adventures to come including bungee jumping, sky diving, glacier hiking, rock climbing, and much more, which I will be very happy to share with you. Despite all my excitement, I am also a little sad to leave all of my friends and family behind. I have been visiting Loyola every weekend to suck every last bit of fun out of my junior year (at Loyola) that I can. Tomorrow will be the last day that I go up to visit and say my last goodbyes to those who I will really miss. However, when Sunday comes I will be more than ready to depart to the other side of the world!!!