Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tackling the Fear of Packing!

Today is Tuesday February 8th and because my job here at home decided not to schedule me for the last week that I am here, I am now stuck at home with nothing to do but think about all of the things I need to take care of in order to prepare for my trip. The number one thing on my mind: miraculously finding a way to pack my life for 4 and a half months into one suitcase. I don't leave until Sunday, however for once in my life I decided not to procrastinate and believe it or not I knocked out my packing today! :) The most surprising thing is that I think everthing may be able to fit. This picture is what I have so far (although I'm not completely finished, but I have succeeded much more than I originally anticipated.)

Overall, I am extremely excited for the start of my adventures in New Zealand. I've constantly been checking the weather which has typically been in the mid-70's, and am ready to absorb those lovely sun rays! I know I have many thrilling adventures to come including bungee jumping, sky diving, glacier hiking, rock climbing, and much more, which I will be very happy to share with you. Despite all my excitement, I am also a little sad to leave all of my friends and family behind. I have been visiting Loyola every weekend to suck every last bit of fun out of my junior year (at Loyola) that I can. Tomorrow will be the last day that I go up to visit and say my last goodbyes to those who I will really miss. However, when Sunday comes I will be more than ready to depart to the other side of the world!!!

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