Monday, May 9, 2011

Kiwi Inventions...

No single thing can describe New Zealand for all it is, but if required to describe it in limited words, one could not do so without mentioning Zorbing. Have you ever wished that you could be a hamster just so you could run around inside of those plastic hamster balls? Well leave it to the Kiwi's (New Zealand locals) to invent a giant hamster ball for humans. The Zorb, invented in the North Island city of Rotorua, was made for no other reason than to provide random entertainment to those who desired to plop themselves inside a giant plastic globe and roll down a hill. It sounds a little crazy and silly. And it is!

The Zorbs are made of one large ball that is about 10 feet in diameter that is connected by hundreds of small ropes to a smaller ball within it. This forms an air pocket between the two balls and keeps the impact minimal, making the ride more comforatable. From the outside of the larger ball there is a small tunnel-like entrance that you have to shimmy yourself through in order to get inside the small ball. Once inside, the world becomes blurred out by the thick layers of plastic isolating you in this odd contraption. Before taking off, the Zorb is filled with a little water, and since it is almost winter here now we were privilaged with a warm bath. Although, as I sat in this plastic ball full of water with my friend, I started to feel like I was in a baby pool splashing around in the miniature tub of gentle warm water and the smell like plastic floating bath toys. Also, the thought of rolling down a hill in this funny looking ball for pure entertainment transformed me into a 6-year old Laura, who would soon be hysterically giggling down the entire hill.

As the Zorb takes off, it is tempting to try and stand and run with the ball for as long as possible. But I must mention that there is a downfall to this: you WILL fall down. You either start to look like a not-so-skilled Roadrunner as you trip over your own feet, the unmerciful water tackles your feet and yanks you down, or your friend who failed the moment the Zorb started rolling falls into your running path. I can't remember which happened to me, but I'm pretty sure it was a combination of the three. After you're down however, there is no getting back up. Instead the world becomes a mixture of green and white fog as you tumble about, limbs attacking you from all directions with no way out and no end to be seen in this blury madness.

1 comment:

  1. this is AWESOME!!!!!
    i love the zorb tehe
    but i wish it was up in auckland as well as rotorua tehe AWESOME
    <3 xxxx
