Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Overwhelmed by Fun?

I have recently discovered that it is possible to be overwhelmed by fun. I found myself in this position throughout the entire 12 days exploring around all of South Island. It seemed that as soon as one exciting activity was over, another one would be awaiting us or if not we would spontaneously find ourselves on another adventure. Now that I'm back in Auckland, it's scary to think that I may never have that much fun again. I hope that's not the case, but it will be hard to find anything to compare to the endless excitement that made me so spastic and happy during the trip. A "happy dance" was even created by a friend and I in order to shed off some of the energy that we could not hold in. All those who observed this probably thought that we had just escaped from the mental hospital. Another cure I found for this overexcitement was by stuffing my face with junk food.

The night before I bungee jumped  was the worst that this disease of overexcitement hit me. I have been dying to go bungee jumping for the longest time, and ever since I found out I was coming to New Zealand I knew I would be doing the exact bungee jump that I was about to do. What made this worse however was that I had spent the entire day before by a beautiful lake in the mountains doing another thing I love, horseback riding. Being back on a horse that day made me realize two things: 1. I want to live on a vineyard someday and 2. I want to have horses on this vineyard. Two new goals/dreams for me! After I came to these conclusions on the back of a horse, our group made our way to Queenstown, (the bungee jump town) but not before stopping at Puzzle World of course. That was the definition of South Island: always stopping, always seeing, always doing. We never just went from place to place or town to town without doing multiple things. Puzzle World was pretty much the most twisted, artistic, confusing place full of the coolest human maze I have ever been in and mind boggling illusions. You can imagine our energetic state after running through mazes and falling in tilted rooms. So once we arrived in Queenstown, I thought about the upcoming bungee jump and all the fun I had had thus far. I was not hungry at all but when we met up with the rest of our group at the New Zealand famous burger joint known as Fergburger, I soon found myself chomping down on the largest, tastiest burger I have ever had. The Tropical Swine burger (naturally I go for the foods with pineapples or bacon in them, this was perfect!) was one of about twenty burgers that Fergburger offered and I was happy to eat every bite. Mainly Fergburger is known as the place to go in town late at night to satisfy drunken munchies, and now to me is a place to focus on yummy food and maintain my overexcitement.

This occasion however, was not the only occasion that I was forced to do the "happy dance" or stuff my face. But how could I not get this way with all of the awesome things we did. Even driving was a thrilling excursion due to the winding mountain roads and outstanding landscapes. The pictures below show South Island in a nutshell. I took over 1,000 pictures and that still wasn't enough to truly capture the beauty and the feelings that I had while on the best adventure of my life.

Map of our expedition--starts in Christchurch and goes north up the coast

Sunset in Christchurch

Seal Colony in Kaikoura

Hike along the beaches and trails of Abel Tasman

Separation Point at Abel Tasman

Beautiful sunrise over the mountains near Greymouth

Scenic waterfall in Hokitika on the drive to Franz Josef

Lake Kanerie along the drive to Franz Josef

Our lovely spaceship campervan with scenic background--typical landscapes seen during our drives

Glacier climbing at Franz Josef

Hiking through caves and crevices on Franz Josef

Horseback riding in Wanaka

Tilted room in Puzzle World

Getting lost in the maze at Puzzle World

Luging down a hill overlooking Queenstown


More lovely scenery on our drive to Milford Sound

Milford Sound Cruise

Tunnel Beach

Speight's Brewery Tour in Dunedin

Cadbury Factory Tour in Dunedin

Boulders on the drive up to Oamaru

Snow-capped mountains surrounding Lake Tekapa

Mountains at Mt. Cook

Iceburgs at Mt. Cook

Beautiful sunset at Mt. Cook

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